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Honouring the Legacy of Peter 博伊德

This past weekend brought familiar sounds back to the 帕特·伯恩斯竞技场. Not only were pucks bouncing around the ice, and bodies hitting the glass, 但自去年春天以来,斯巴达信徒的欢呼声第一次响起. After a summer of seemingly grey skies more often than not, 在这个特别美丽的秋季周末,许多球迷涌入帕特·伯恩斯体育馆观看大学男生队和大学女生队开始他们的新赛季.
The excitement for the games was clearly building up, 但是在周六比赛之前,我们有一些重要的事情要处理.

校园周围的许多地方都是以帮助体育菠菜大平台成为今天的学校的重要人物或家庭的名字命名的. 对过去的老师和教练的奉献表示敬意是学校的一项极其重要的传统,这对教师来说确实是一种生活方式,有时甚至是一种职业. 上周六,我们有机会向彼得·博伊德致敬,因为他在体育菠菜大平台担任了21年的教师和教练.

Mr. 博伊德 coached senior boys hockey here at Stanstead from 1962 to 1975. 除此之外,他还教过越野跑和田径,当然,他还是一名教师. Prior to arriving at 边境上大学, Mr. 博伊德’s personal athletic accomplishments were quite impressive, 因为他在迪比克大学时是爱荷华州田径和越野赛的冠军. In 1991 he was inducted in the Dubuque University Sports Hall of Fame, and at that time his records in the 1,500m and 800m still stood.  

尽管周六对斯巴达人来说是一个激动人心的日子,这是他们的第一场比赛, 对于曲棍球界和学校来说,看到这么多以前的学生和同事回到校园庆祝他的职业生涯,这是一个美好的日子. 博伊德. As the current coach of the team and in many ways the caretaker of the dressing room, 我认为听听别人是如何分享他的职业生涯的,这一点很重要. 博伊德 had as a hockey coach. The afternoon began with a welcome address from Head of School, 乔安妮·瑟斯, 随后,他向当天的荣誉教练“coach BOYD”赠送了一件20世纪70年代斯坦斯特德冰球球衣的复制品.”

Director of Advancement Jesse McRae, 2002届毕业生, 我读了无数无法出席的人写给这位不可思议的教练的便条, teacher and overall educator that Peter is. 迪比克大学的校友活动主任甚至特意写了一张纸条来纪念这个特殊的日子. We also had the opportunity to listen to a number of other speakers, including alums Steve Mitchell ’71, 安德烈·哈德威克,69年, 奈杰尔·莱斯特' 68, and former faculty member Brian Denney ’64. 最后, 彼得的女儿辛西娅滔滔不绝地讲述父亲在体育菠菜大平台的经历,震撼了整个房间.

对于从南佛罗里达远道而来的近百人来说,这是一次真正的追忆之旅, and despite being from years gone by, 很明显,在场的人都感受到了彼得的指导带来的持久影响. 衷心的致敬与输赢无关,而是与经验和教育有关. The stories spoke to what had been both taught and learned, 对这位后来成为终身朋友和良师益友的优秀教练的明确而始终存在的尊重,是所有这一切的高潮.

在我们比赛之前, Peter was also able to address our current team, in the newly named Peter 博伊德 Varsity Boys Locker Room. To sum up his message, I would use the word “opportunity.他环顾了一下房间,谈到了我们在体育菠菜大平台的每个成员都有机会的想法. A wonderful message to begin another hockey season, and a grounding principle to remember at all times.


这是我第二次见到彼得,第一次是去年春天在150号th 校园庆祝活动, but it is clear to see how many lives he impacted during his time here at Stanstead. 教学和指导是一项责任重大的工作,因为这两个职位都有助于将我们的年轻人塑造成未来的领导者. 我期待着今年和我们的团队一起工作,在更衣室里有宾至如归的感觉,这个更衣室现在对即将经历这一切的几代年轻学生运动员来说更具意义.

