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作者:Élodie Roy, 12年级
Like a number of you, I've lived in a world of competition, pressure and expectations my whole life. I've lived in a world where my results and my success are often a direct reflection of who I am. 在这个苛刻而累人的现实中航行, 我必须找到真正让我满足的东西, 是什么让我逃离我的生活方式, 真正让我快乐的是我的激情. 我很幸运有两个爱好:冰球和音乐.
最近,我开始意识到激情就是一切. 全身心投入你所做的一切. 自我实现是人生的最后阶段 马斯洛的层次结构你发现自己真正潜力的阶段. 它看起来复杂而抽象, 其实很简单:找到你的激情所在, 找到让你成为“你”的东西,并为之而活. 幸福、成功和成就感就会随之而来.
When you become truly passionate in your community, you instantly have a greater impact on others. 例如:先生. G教练负责音乐,皮姆教练负责曲棍球. 指导和支持我们的未来. 他们都热爱自己的工作, 这表明, 他们每个人都对我和其他许多人产生了重要影响. 我渴望做同样的事.
大约一个月前,我去找他. Grenier, telling him I was YET AGAIN not happy with my musical performance. 他回答说:“Élodie,你不必成为最好的. What makes the difference is the heart and the passion you put into something.” Though this statement is somewhat elementary, I had rarely heard something so true. 你们还记得那个有五个博士学位的老师吗? Or do you remember the teacher whose vitality and joy put a smile on your face every single day? 这一切都归结为一件事:激情.
Some of you may know that I made Team Quebec last year to compete in a series of games against team Ontario. Some of you may also know that I didn’t make the team this year to compete in the Canada Games. 当时,这是非常难以忍受的. “我怎么能在去年而不是今年入选呢??我想知道. I could have blamed it on the change in coaching staff, or I could have walked with my head down. 而不是, I realized that one failure isn't close to overshadowing the amount of good that this sport has brought me. All the heart and dedication I've put into hockey has led me to Stanstead, 哪一所大学能让我进入梦想中的大学, 并且已经带领我取得了这些胜利, 奖, 回忆和友谊之间. Finding your passion and pouring your heart into it – though it won't always be a straight line – will never be something you’ll regret.
What I'd like you to take away from my speech is this: find “your” thing, something that you don't have to be “the best” at but that makes you want to GIVE IT YOUR ALL every day. 能点燃你内心火焰的东西. Something that, regardless of any distraction, expectation, stress or pressure, you can fall back on. 一些让你非常满足的东西,它会传染给你. Something that inspires in you a desire to grow, to improve and to learn. 一些能让你和你周围的人更快乐的事情.